Thursday, September 3, 2015

Budget Friendly Shared Supplies: Holla to the Dollar Tree!

To start, I LOVE having the kids sit in table groups! Table groups foster the collaborative environment that I strongly believe in and teach the kids the oh-so-important skill of sharing (waiting your turn for the table glue is rough those first few weeks!). In these table groups it makes sense to have communal supplies within easy reach at the middle of the tables. Over the years (with trial and error) I've figured out what works for us in the buckets. 

Here's a closer look at our table buckets (thanks Dollar Tree!!) 

Each table is color coded and each bucket includes a red cup for crayons, a pencil cup, some scissors and glue sticks as well as some big erasers. (The kids trying to figure out how to share the scissors and glue sticks is one of those classic second grade learning experiences.)

I spent less than 5$ on each set: 

Bucket = $1
Pencil Cup = $1
2 Scissor Pack = $1 (though you might be able to find these cheaper at Walmart)
Red Cups = $1 for a pack of 3

The rest of the stuff in there is either provided by the school or brought in as student supplies.

Thanks for coming back this week and because this was a bit of a short post, I'm going to sweeten it with a sneak peek at the special project that will be coming up next week!

**Special Sneak Peek**

Get ready for some getting-to-know-you writing with a secret agent twist!

And remember, if you like what you've been reading so far click the Follow Me! button up and on the right to stay updated!!

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